There is a walking path that leads from the middle school to the high school.

Which participle functions as an adjective?

(1 point)






Which sentence contains a participle functioning as a verb?(1 point)


The blinking sign warns drivers of a sharp curve ahead.
The blinking sign warns drivers of a sharp curve ahead.

David brought coloring books to the restaurant.
David brought coloring books to the restaurant.

Mateo will only eat cooked carrots.
Mateo will only eat cooked carrots.

The students are waiting for the bus.

Mateo will only eat cooked carrots.

Which sentence contains a participle functioning as an adjective?(1 point)


Katrina is wandering around the school looking for her brother.
Katrina is wandering around the school looking for her brother.

The swimming pool in my neighborhood is closed for the winter.
The swimming pool in my neighborhood is closed for the winter.

Mr. Wallace is meeting the principal to discuss the exam schedule.
Mr. Wallace is meeting the principal to discuss the exam schedule.

The teacher is grading papers at her desk.

The swimming pool in my neighborhood is closed for the winter.

The participle that functions as an adjective in the given sentence is "walking."

To determine which participle functions as an adjective, we need to identify the word that describes or modifies a noun.

In this case, the words "walking" and "leads" are both participles, but only one of them functions as an adjective. The word "walking" describes the noun "path" by telling us what type of path it is - a walking path. Therefore, the participle "walking" functions as the adjective in this sentence.