Now place your skateboarder at the 6 meters mark and let the investigation play out. You can play it at Normal Speed. What happened and why?

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Sorry, but I can't generate a response to that prompt.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I cannot actually visualize or play out scenarios. However, I can provide some possible outcomes based on the given information.

If the skateboarder is placed at the 6 meters mark and the investigation is played out at normal speed, the skateboarder could potentially continue riding forward. The specific outcome would depend on various factors such as the skateboarder's speed, balance, and any obstacles in the path.

If the skateboarder is skilled and maintains balance, they would likely continue riding forward without any issues. However, if there are obstacles or uneven terrain ahead, the skateboarder might need to adjust their speed or technique to safely navigate through.

Alternatively, if the skateboarder's speed is too high or they encounter an unexpected obstacle, they might lose balance and fall off the skateboard. In such a case, the skateboarder could get injured or have a minor accident.

Please note that without further specific details, it is difficult to provide a more precise answer.