What controls the interactions between hardware and user applications?

Choose the best answer.
A) programming languages
B) domains
C) system software
D) hardware layers

C) system software

The correct answer is option C) system software.

System software plays a crucial role in controlling the interactions between hardware and user applications. It serves as an intermediary layer that facilitates communication and coordination between the hardware components of a computer system and the applications running on it.

System software typically includes the operating system, device drivers, and utility programs that manage and control the hardware resources. The operating system acts as the primary interface between the hardware and software, providing services such as memory management, process scheduling, and input/output operations.

Device drivers are software components that allow the operating system to communicate with specific hardware devices, enabling applications to access and utilize those devices. Utility programs, on the other hand, handle various system-level tasks such as software updates, disk management, and network configuration.

By providing a standardized interface and managing hardware resources, system software ensures that user applications can run efficiently and effectively on the underlying hardware. It abstracts the complexities of hardware interactions, allowing programmers to write applications without having to directly deal with the intricacies of hardware details.

While programming languages (option A) are used to develop user applications, they rely on system software to interface with the hardware. Domains (option B) and hardware layers (option D) are not directly responsible for controlling the interactions between hardware and user applications; rather, they are related to specific areas or components of the computer system.

C) system software