Find the numerical equivalent of 7 to the 2nd power times 7 to the 3rd power

To find the numerical equivalent of 7 to the 2nd power times 7 to the 3rd power, you need to multiply 7 raised to the 2nd power with 7 raised to the 3rd power.

7 to the 2nd power is calculated as 7 * 7 = 49.
7 to the 3rd power is calculated as 7 * 7 * 7 = 343.

To find the numerical equivalent, you need to multiply 49 with 343: 49 * 343 = 16,807.

Therefore, the numerical equivalent of 7 to the 2nd power times 7 to the 3rd power is 16,807.

To find the numerical value of 7 to the 2nd power times 7 to the 3rd power, we can simply multiply the two exponents.

7 to the 2nd power is equal to 7 multiplied by itself, which is 49.
7 to the 3rd power is equal to 7 multiplied by itself twice, which is 343.

Now, let's multiply these two values:

49 * 343 = 16,807

Therefore, the numerical equivalent of 7 to the 2nd power times 7 to the 3rd power is 16,807.