A solid cylinder has a radius of 5.1 cm and a height of 3.7 cm.

Use 𝜋 on your calculator and not 3.14 or 3.142 for answering the questions.

Calculate the curved surface area of the cylinder.

The formula for the curved surface area of a cylinder is given by:

Curved Surface Area = 2𝜋rh

𝜋 is approximately 3.14159 (use your calculator for a more accurate value)
r is the radius of the cylinder
h is the height of the cylinder

Given that the radius (r) is 5.1 cm and the height (h) is 3.7 cm, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Curved Surface Area = 2 * 3.14159 * 5.1 cm * 3.7 cm

Calculating this expression gives us:

Curved Surface Area = 199.466406 cm² (rounded to six decimal places)

Therefore, the curved surface area of the cylinder is approximately 199.466406 cm².

To calculate the curved surface area of a cylinder, we use the formula:

Curved Surface Area = 2πrh

Given that the radius (r) is 5.1 cm and the height (h) is 3.7 cm:

Curved Surface Area = 2π(5.1)(3.7)

Using the value of π on your calculator:

Curved Surface Area ≈ 2(3.14159265359)(5.1)(3.7)
≈ 38.18725471703 cm²

Therefore, the curved surface area of the cylinder is approximately 38.187 cm².