Using the information you've acquired, identify how advances in science led to a longer life expectancy during the Industrial Revolution. (1 point)

A.Rapid urbanization stemming from scientific advances in factories led to an increase in hazardous living and working conditions

B.People of all classes started to eat more food every day, leading to a longer ide

C.Once it was proven that germs cause disease, govemments began to pass laws to improve sanitation in industrial cities

D.Increased wages of factory workers meant that they could afford to pay for doctors and medicines if they became ill

C. Once it was proven that germs cause disease, governments began to pass laws to improve sanitation in industrial cities.

C. Once it was proven that germs cause disease, governments began to pass laws to improve sanitation in industrial cities.

The correct answer is C. Once it was proven that germs cause disease, governments began to pass laws to improve sanitation in industrial cities.

To get to this answer, we can analyze each option:

A. Rapid urbanization stemming from scientific advances in factories led to an increase in hazardous living and working conditions. This option suggests that advancements in factories had negative effects on living and working conditions, which would not lead to a longer life expectancy.

B. People of all classes started to eat more food every day, leading to a longer life. While improved living conditions and access to more food can contribute to a longer life expectancy, this option does not directly mention advances in science.

C. Once it was proven that germs cause disease, governments began to pass laws to improve sanitation in industrial cities. This option directly connects advances in science (knowledge about germs causing disease) to improvements in sanitation, which would indeed lead to a longer life expectancy.

D. Increased wages of factory workers meant that they could afford to pay for doctors and medicines if they became ill. While increased wages can improve access to healthcare, this option does not specifically mention advances in science.

By analyzing the options and considering the connection between advances in science and improvements in sanitation, we can conclude that option C is the correct answer.