How can plants cause weathering?

A. Chemical reactions in plants change rocks and break them into smaller pieces.

B. Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break.

C. Plants need water, and water can weather rocks.

D. Plants attract animals, and animals can burrow into rocks.

B. Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break.

C. Plants need water, and water can weather rocks.

How can plants cause weathering? (1 point)


Chemical reactions in plants change rocks and break them into smaller pieces.
Chemical reactions in plants change rocks and break them into smaller pieces.

Plants attract animals, and animals can burrow into rocks.
Plants attract animals, and animals can burrow into rocks.

Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break.
Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break.

Plants need water, and water can weather rocks.
Plants need water, and water can weather rocks.

All of the above options are correct:

- Chemical reactions in plants can release acids that break down minerals in rocks, causing them to break into smaller pieces.
- Plants can attract animals, such as burrowing animals, which can dig into rocks and cause physical weathering.
- When seeds sprout and roots grow, they can exert pressure on rocks, causing them to crack and break apart.
- Plants require water for growth, and water can seep into cracks in rocks and freeze, expanding and causing the rocks to break. Additionally, plant roots can absorb water and release it back into the surrounding environment, promoting chemical weathering.

pick one

If I have to pick one response, I would choose:

Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break.

Which action can help slow down the process of chemical weathering?(1 point)


using less water in industrial areas
using less water in industrial areas

removing clay to avoid weakening rocks
removing clay to avoid weakening rocks

burning less fossil fuel
burning less fossil fuel

removing iron oxide to avoid breaking down rocks

burning less fossil fuel