A deck is being built around a rectangular swimming pool the swimming pool is 20ft * 12ft and the deck has a uniform width of 6 ft what is the area of the deck only

To find the area of the deck only, we need to subtract the area of the pool from the area of the deck surrounding it.

The area of the pool is 20ft * 12ft = 240 square feet.

Since the deck has a uniform width of 6ft on all sides of the pool, we can calculate the dimensions of the deck by adding 6ft to the length and width of the pool.

The new length of the deck is 20ft + 2(6ft) = 20ft + 12ft = 32ft.
The new width of the deck is 12ft + 2(6ft) = 12ft + 12ft = 24ft.

Therefore, the area of the deck only is 32ft * 24ft = 768 square feet.

So, the area of the deck only is 768 square feet.

To find the area of the deck only, we need to subtract the area of the pool from the overall area of the deck and pool combined.

1. Calculate the area of the overall deck and pool combined:
Area of the deck and pool = (Length of the deck + 2 * Width of the deck) * (Width of the deck + 2 * Width of the deck)
= (20ft + 2 * 6ft) * (12ft + 2 * 6ft)
= 32ft * 24ft
= 768 square feet

2. Calculate the area of the pool:
Area of the pool = Length of the pool * Width of the pool
= 20ft * 12ft
= 240 square feet

3. Subtract the area of the pool from the overall area of the deck and pool combined:
Area of the deck only = Area of the deck and pool combined - Area of the pool
= 768 square feet - 240 square feet
= 528 square feet

Therefore, the area of the deck only is 528 square feet.