What is true about “sobremesa”?

(1 point)

Sobremesa is a quiet time before a meal.
Sobremesa is a quiet time before a meal.

Flamenco dancing is performed only during sobremesa.
Flamenco dancing is performed only during sobremesa .

Sobremesa takes place after a meal.

Sobremesa takes place after a meal.


What emotion do sevillanas usually tell about?

(1 point)




Sobremesa takes place after a meal.

The correct response is:

Sobremesa takes place after a meal.

To answer this question, we can break down the term "sobremesa". "Sobre" means "over" or "above" in Spanish, and "mesa" means "table". So, "sobremesa" literally translates to "over the table".

In Spanish culture, "sobremesa" refers to the time spent lingering at the table after a meal, typically with family or friends, engaging in conversation, enjoying coffee or dessert, or simply relaxing. It is a leisurely and social time to connect with others and savor the post-meal experience.

So, out of the given options, the correct statement is that sobremesa takes place after a meal.