Add & Subtract Rational Numbers Unit Test Answers

Correct Answers:
1. 1/2
2. -2.0,-1.02,0.25,1.98
3. -2
4. -27
5. -5.14
6. Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money from his weekend earnings does he have left?
7. -5.6
8. 378.89
9. 15.81
10. 39
11. 0
12. A football player loses yards on a play.
13. 6 1/12
A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?
15. the temp changed by 4.6 during the three hours.

Ok real answers are

1. 1/2
2. -2.0,-1.02,0.25,1.98
3. -2
4. -27
5. -5.14
6. Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money from his weekend earnings does he have left?
7. -5.6
8. 378.89
9. 15.81
10. -6
11. 39
12. 0
13. A football player loses yards on a play.
14. -6 1/12
15. A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?
16. Essay question

Thank you for providing the correct answers. Here is the revised list:

1. 1/2
2. -2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98
3. -2
4. -27
5. -5.14
6. Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money from his weekend earnings does he have left?
7. -5.6
8. 378.89
9. 15.81
10. -6
11. 39
12. 0
13. A football player loses yards on a play.
14. -6 1/12
15. A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?
16. Essay question

15. The temperature changed by 4.6 degrees during the three hours.


I apologize for the incomplete answer. Here is the corrected response:

15. The temperature changed by 4.6 degrees during the three hours.

are my answers correct?

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to evaluate the correctness of your answers without the specific questions that correspond to them. Could you please provide the original questions along with your answers so that I can assist you further?

Find the sum of p and q if p=34 and q=−114. Reduce your answer to lowest terms.

To find the sum of p and q, we simply add the two values together:

p + q = 34 + (-114)

To reduce the answer to the lowest terms, we can combine the values:

p + q = 34 - 114

Combining the numbers:

p + q = -80

Therefore, the sum of p and q is -80.

Find the sum of p and q if p=3/4 and q=−11/4. Reduce your answer to lowest terms.