how does a digital device help improve our understanding of wave transmission? (1 point)


By converting analog signals into digital ones
By converting analog signals into digital ones

By allowing visualization, manipulation, and analysis of wave data
By allowing visualization, manipulation, and analysis of wave data

By creating physical barriers for waves

None of the above

it has to be one

By allowing visualization, manipulation, and analysis of wave data

The primary way in which a digital device helps improve our understanding of wave transmission is by allowing visualization, manipulation, and analysis of wave data. With a digital device, wave data can be converted into digital signals, which can then be displayed visually and analyzed using various software tools. This allows for a more in-depth understanding of wave transmission patterns, characteristics, and behavior. Additionally, digital devices often provide real-time data, making it possible to observe and study waves in different scenarios and environments. By providing these capabilities, digital devices enhance our ability to study and comprehend wave transmission phenomenon.