How long would it take to fly a jet to the Sun from earth?

1 point
18 years
18 hours
1 year
24 hours

The correct answer is: 1 point. 24 hours.

1. How long would it take to fly a jet to the Sun from earth?

18 years
18 hours
1 year
24 hours

It would take approximately 24 years to fly a jet from Earth to the Sun.

2. Which of the following is correct about Sirius?

It is the brightest star in the night sky.
It is not as bright as Canopus.
It can only be seen with a telescope.
It is smaller than our sun.

The correct answer is: It is the brightest star in the night sky.

Use this table to answer questions about the spectral features of each of the stars:

Sirius has a temperature of 9,940K. Using the table above, what spectral features does Sirius have?

Helium, some hydrogen
Strong hydrogen, some ionized metals
Hydrogen and ionized metals such as calcium and iron
Both metals and ionized metals, especially ionized calcium

Based on the given temperature of Sirius, which is 9,940K, it can be concluded that the spectral features of Sirius are:

Both metals and ionized metals, especially ionized calcium.

How far away from Earth is Kapteyn's Star?

38 light years
20 light years
13 light years
1 light year

The correct answer is: 13 light years.

5. It is a spectral type M star. Using the table above, what spectral features does Kapteyn's Star have?

Helium, some hydrogen
Strong titanium oxide and some calcium
Hydrogen and ionized metals such as calcium and iron
Both metals and ionized metals, especially ionized calcium