Divide the following quantities in the given ratio.work it out.

A. Naria 2800 in the ratio 2:3=
B. 840 billion in the ratio 3:7=
C. 840m in the ratio 2: 3:7=

A. Naria 2800 in the ratio 2:3

In this ratio, the total parts is 2 + 3 = 5 parts.

To find the value of each part, divide the total quantity by the total parts:
2800 / 5 = 560

Then, multiply the value of each part by the respective ratio:
2 parts * 560 = 1120
3 parts * 560 = 1680

The divided quantities are Naria 1120 and Naria 1680.

B. 840 billion in the ratio 3:7

In this ratio, the total parts is 3 + 7 = 10 parts.

To find the value of each part, divide the total quantity by the total parts:
840,000,000,000 / 10 = 84,000,000,000

Then, multiply the value of each part by the respective ratio:
3 parts * 84,000,000,000 = 252,000,000,000
7 parts * 84,000,000,000 = 588,000,000,000

The divided quantities are 252 billion and 588 billion.

C. 840m in the ratio 2:3:7

In this ratio, the total parts is 2 + 3 + 7 = 12 parts.

To find the value of each part, divide the total quantity by the total parts:
840,000,000 / 12 = 70,000,000

Then, multiply the value of each part by the respective ratio:
2 parts * 70,000,000 = 140,000,000
3 parts * 70,000,000 = 210,000,000
7 parts * 70,000,000 = 490,000,000

The divided quantities are 140m, 210m, and 490m.

A. To divide 2800 Naria in the ratio 2:3, you first need to find the total of the ratio (2+3=5). Then, divide 2800 by the total ratio:

2800/5 = 560

To find the amounts in the ratio, multiply the ratio fraction by the total:

2/5 * 560 = 224
3/5 * 560 = 336

So, 2800 Naria divided in the ratio 2:3 is 224 Naria and 336 Naria.

B. To divide 840 billion in the ratio 3:7, you first need to find the total of the ratio (3+7=10). Then, divide 840 billion by the total ratio:

840 billion/10 = 84 billion

To find the amounts in the ratio, multiply the ratio fraction by the total:

3/10 * 84 billion = 25.2 billion
7/10 * 84 billion = 58.8 billion

So, 840 billion divided in the ratio 3:7 is 25.2 billion and 58.8 billion.

C. To divide 840m in the ratio 2:3:7, you first need to find the total of the ratio (2+3+7=12). Then, divide 840m by the total ratio:

840m/12 = 70m

To find the amounts in the ratio, multiply the ratio fraction by the total:

2/12 * 70m = 11.67m
3/12 * 70m = 17.5m
7/12 * 70m = 40.83m

So, 840m divided in the ratio 2:3:7 is approximately 11.67m, 17.5m, and 40.83m.