Points: Make a table and draw a graph to show the relationship between the number of houses and the number of windows. What is the number of windows in 8 houses? pi ^ - Complete the table below. Number of Houses Number of Windows 1 2 3

To complete the table and draw the graph, we can assume a linear relationship between the number of houses and the number of windows. However, since the specific relationship is not given, we can only provide an example below:

Number of Houses | Number of Windows
1 | 2
2 | 4
3 | 6
4 | 8
5 | 10
6 | 12
7 | 14
8 | 16

To draw a graph, we can plot the number of houses on the x-axis and the number of windows on the y-axis. Each data point can be represented by a dot, and we can connect them to visualize the relationship.

The graph is not described in text form and as an AI text-based model, I cannot visually provide the graph. However, you can draw it yourself on a sheet of paper or using any graphing software.

The number of windows in 8 houses, based on the example above, is 16.

Regarding your second question about "pi ^" it seems incomplete and lacks context. Could you please provide more information or clarify?

To complete the table and draw the graph, you need the relationship between the number of houses and the number of windows. Without this information, it is not possible to accurately complete the table or draw the graph. Could you please provide the relationship between the number of houses and the number of windows?

As for the second question, it seems unrelated to the table and graph. The number of windows in 8 houses cannot be determined without the specified relationship.