Divide −9 by 27

. Write the answer as a simplified fraction with the correct sign.(1 point)

The answer to −9 divided by 27 is −1/3.

Divide 11 by −4. Write the answer as a mixed number with the correct sign.(1 point)

When dividing 11 by -4, we get a quotient of -2 with a remainder of 3. So, the answer in mixed number form is -2 3/4.

What is the quotient of −91÷(−13)÷7?(1 point)

When dividing -91 by -13, we get a quotient of 7. And when dividing 7 by 7, we get a quotient of 1.

So, the quotient of −91 ÷ (−13) ÷ 7 is 1.

What is the quotient of 72÷(4)÷(−6)?

When dividing 72 by 4, we get a quotient of 18. And when dividing 18 by -6, we get a quotient of -3.

So, the quotient of 72 ÷ 4 ÷ -6 is -3.