Differentiate between a procedural amendment and a substantive amendment to the Constitution.(1 point)


women’s right to vote and ending slavery
women’s right to vote and ending slavery

moving inauguration from March to January and women’s right to vote
moving inauguration from March to January and women’s right to vote

the rules stating when the vice president takes over for the president and impeachment trials
the rules stating when the vice president takes over for the president and impeachment trials

no religious tests for civil service and the time and manner of elections
no religious tests for civil service and the time and manner of elections

A procedural amendment to the Constitution refers to changes that modify the processes and procedures by which the government operates. It may involve alterations to rules regarding elections, impeachments, or the transfer of power between officials. On the other hand, a substantive amendment is one that introduces significant changes to the rights and liberties of individuals. Examples include granting women the right to vote and abolishing slavery, which directly impact the fundamental rights of citizens.

A procedural amendment to the Constitution refers to a change in the process or method by which the government operates or functions. It typically deals with administrative or technical aspects of the Constitution. For example, moving the inauguration from March to January would be considered a procedural amendment, as it changes the process of when the President takes office.

On the other hand, a substantive amendment to the Constitution refers to a change in the rights, powers, or duties of the government or individuals. It typically deals with significant and substantial issues that have a direct impact on the rights and freedoms of the people. For example, granting women the right to vote or ending slavery would be considered substantive amendments, as they involve fundamental changes to the rights and freedoms of individuals.

In summary, procedural amendments focus on changes in the process or method of government operation, while substantive amendments focus on changes in the rights, powers, and duties of the government and individuals.