A rental car company charges $52 per day to rent a car and $0.12 for every mile driven. Dianelys wants to recant a car, knowing that:

She plans to drive 300 miles
She has at most $140 to spend
Write and solve an inequality which can determine x, as the number of days Dianelys can afford to rent while staying within her budget.

Let's assume that Dianelys is going to rent the car for x number of days.

The rental car company charges $52 per day. So, for x days, the cost of renting the car will be 52x dollars.
In addition, Dianelys will have to pay $0.12 for every mile driven. Since she plans to drive 300 miles, the additional cost for the mileage will be 0.12 * 300 = 36 dollars.
Therefore, the total cost of renting the car will be 52x + 36 dollars.
Dianelys has at most $140 to spend, so we can write the inequality:
52x + 36 ≤ 140
Now, solve for x:
52x ≤ 140 - 36
52x ≤ 104
x ≤ 104/52
x ≤ 2
So, the number of days Dianelys can afford to rent while staying within her budget is at most 2 days.

Let's first determine the total cost for Dianelys to rent a car for x number of days and drive 300 miles.

The cost per day is $52, so the cost for x days can be calculated as 52x.

The cost per mile is $0.12, so the cost for driving 300 miles can be calculated as 0.12 * 300 = $36.

Adding these two costs together, the total cost can be calculated as 52x + 36.

Since Dianelys has at most $140 to spend, we can write the inequality as:

52x + 36 ≤ 140

Now, let's solve for x:

52x ≤ 140 - 36
52x ≤ 104
x ≤ 104/52
x ≤ 2

Dianelys can afford to rent a car for a maximum of 2 days while staying within her budget.