when navigating your excel document, where will you be able to locate which sheet you are on in your workbook?

In Excel, you can find the sheet name or tab name at the bottom of the workbook window. The names of the sheets are displayed as tabs, allowing you to easily identify the sheet you are currently on.

A teacher was using the following words when speaking to a learning coach: experiments, lab safety, goggles, beaker and scientific calculator. What kind of language is that? A. slang B. jargon C. Standard English

The language used by the teacher when mentioning words like experiments, lab safety, goggles, beaker, and scientific calculator is C. Standard English. These terms are commonly used in educational settings and are part of the standard vocabulary used in the field of science.

wats the anser

The answer is C. Standard English.

Fill in the correct vocabulary definitions.



Negative connotation

Neutral connotation

Positive connotation

Connotation: The emotional or cultural associations and meanings that a word or phrase evokes in addition to its dictionary definition.

Denotation: The literal or primary meaning of a word, without any emotional or cultural associations.

Negative connotation: An implied meaning that evokes negative feelings or judgments.

Neutral connotation: An implied meaning that does not evoke strong positive or negative feelings.

Positive connotation: An implied meaning that evokes positive feelings or judgments.

Here are the high temperatures (in Fahrenheit) for a 10-day period in Salinas, California, in December:

58, 59, 61, 62, 62, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67

Find the range and explain what the value means for this dataset.

(2 points)
The range is
degrees Fahrenheit; this is the difference in degrees Fahrenheit between
degrees, the minimum temperature, and
degrees, the maximum temperature.

To find the range, we subtract the minimum temperature from the maximum temperature.

The minimum temperature in this dataset is 58 degrees Fahrenheit, and the maximum temperature is 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Range = Maximum temperature - Minimum temperature
Range = 67 - 58
Range = 9 degrees Fahrenheit

Therefore, the range for this dataset is 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The range represents the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures recorded in Salinas, California, during the 10-day period in December.

Here are the science test scores from Ms. O’Donnell’s class:

55, 60, 70, 70, 75, 75, 75, 80, 80, 85, 85, 85, 85, 90, 90, 95, 100

Find the MAD.

(1 point)
The MAD is