In “The Deadliest Tsunami in History,” the cause of the Indian Ocean tsunami was

(1 point)

a rupture in the Burma plate.
a rupture in the Burma plate.

an unintended explosion in Japan.
an unintended explosion in Japan.

a tornado off the coast of Sumatra.
a tornado off the coast of Sumatra.

mass animal migrations to the North.

a rupture in the Burma plate.

Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word, if necessary.

His pent-up energy found an outlet in a raucous game of tag football.
(1 point)

lack of
lack of


stored up
stored up


The cause of the Indian Ocean tsunami in "The Deadliest Tsunami in History" was a rupture in the Burma plate.

To determine the cause of the Indian Ocean tsunami, we need to analyze the given options:

1. A rupture in the Burma plate: To verify if this option is correct, we can conduct a search for relevant information on the Indian Ocean tsunami. By examining reputable sources such as scientific journals, news articles, and reports from geological organizations, we can determine if a rupture in the Burma plate was indeed the cause.

2. An unintended explosion in Japan: This option seems unrelated to the Indian Ocean tsunami, as it involves an explosion in Japan. We can rule out this option without further investigation.

3. A tornado off the coast of Sumatra: To determine if a tornado off the coast of Sumatra was the cause, we can search for scientific studies, meteorological data, and official reports on the Indian Ocean tsunami.

4. Mass animal migrations to the North: This option does not seem logically connected to the cause of a tsunami, so we can discard it without further exploration.

After conducting research and verifying the information, we can conclude that a rupture in the Burma plate was indeed the cause of the Indian Ocean tsunami.