bill 4657.64 markup 1742.93 what is the percentage

To calculate the percentage markup, divide the markup amount by the original bill amount and multiply it by 100:

Percentage Markup = (Markup Amount / Original Bill Amount) * 100

In this case:

Percentage Markup = (1742.93 / 4657.64) * 100
= 0.3749 * 100
= 37.49%

Therefore, the percentage markup is 37.49%.

To calculate the percentage markup, you need to divide the markup amount by the original bill amount and then multiply it by 100.

Percentage Markup = (Markup Amount / Original Amount) * 100

Using the values given:

Percentage Markup = (1742.93 / 4657.64) * 100
Percentage Markup ≈ 0.3746 * 100
Percentage Markup ≈ 37.46%

Therefore, the percentage markup is approximately 37.46%.