An appliance repair service charges a flat fee of $75 per service call with an additional $55 per hour. Suppose h represents the number of hours it takes to do the repair, formulate a function that can be used models this situation.

A f(h) = 55h + 75f(h) = 55h + 75
B f(h) = 75h + 55f(h) = 75h + 55
C f(h) = 75h − 55f(h) = 75h − 55
D f(h) = 55h − 75

A f(h) = 55h + 75

The correct answer is A) f(h) = 55h + 75.

The function f(h) represents the total cost of the repair service, given the number of hours (h) it takes to complete the repair. The flat fee of $75 is added to the product of the hourly rate ($55) and the number of hours. Therefore, the function can be written as f(h) = 55h + 75.