Which of the following was one way the Constitution attempted to reconcile a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

(1 point)

The Constitution gave more power to the states.
The Constitution gave more power to the states.

The Constitution provided a more centralized government.
The Constitution provided a more centralized government.

All enslaved African Americans would be counted in the population.
All enslaved African Americans would be counted in the population.

The judicial branch would have the power to pass laws.

The Constitution provided a more centralized government.

Which of the following statements describes the structure of the government outlined in the Constitution? Select all that apply.

(2 points)

The executive branch would carry out the laws.
The executive branch would carry out the laws.

The executive branch would make laws.
The executive branch would make laws.

The legislative branch would make laws.
The legislative branch would make laws.

The legislative branch would interpret laws.
The legislative branch would interpret laws.

The judicial branch would interpret the laws
The judicial branch would interpret the laws

The judicial branch would carry out the laws.

The correct answer is:

The Constitution provided a more centralized government.

The correct answer is: The Constitution provided a more centralized government.

To get to this answer, we need to understand the context and the purpose of the Constitution as well as the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

The Articles of Confederation was the first governing document of the United States, ratified in 1781. However, it had many weaknesses that led to a call for a new constitution.

One of the main weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation was the lack of a strong central government. The states had a lot of power and independence, which led to problems with coordination and decision-making. Each state had its own currency, its own trade policies, and its own laws, which made it difficult for the new nation to function effectively.

To address this weakness, the framers of the Constitution aimed to create a more centralized government. They wanted to establish a stronger federal government that could effectively regulate commerce, harmonize laws, and provide for the defense and welfare of the whole country. This is reflected in the Constitution's provisions for a strong executive branch (led by a President), a bicameral legislature (with a House of Representatives and a Senate), and a judiciary.

Therefore, the answer to the question is that the Constitution attempted to reconcile the weakness of the Articles of Confederation by providing a more centralized government.