Which of the following options best distinguishes between human geography and physical geography?(1 point)


Human geography is the study of urban environments, while physical geography is the study of geology.
Human geography is the study of urban environments, while physical geography is the study of geology.

Human geography is the study of spatial aspects of human activity, while physical geography is the study of spatial aspects of natural features and processes.
Human geography is the study of spatial aspects of human activity, while physical geography is the study of spatial aspects of natural features and processes.

Human geography is the study of where people live, while physical geography is the study of where physical features are located.
Human geography is the study of where people live, while physical geography is the study of where physical features are located.

Human geography is the study of how humans interact with the environment, while physical geography is the study of how the physical environment impacts humans.

Human geography is the study of spatial aspects of human activity, while physical geography is the study of spatial aspects of natural features and processes.

Which type of geography considers soil, plants, animals, weather, climate, and landforms?(1 point)


human geography
human geography


cultural geography
cultural geography

physical geography

physical geography

Asking a question about a natural event such as: How is this event similar to/different from the same type of thing that could be happening somewhere else? is an example of:(1 point)


a spatial skill
a spatial skill

a spatial perspective
a spatial perspective

natural geography
natural geography

human geograph

a spatial perspective

A situation in geography refers to:(1 point)


the relationship between the size of a map and the size of the land it represents.
the relationship between the size of a map and the size of the land it represents.

a place where humans live.
a place where humans live.

the relationship of a place where humans live to its surrounding geographic features.
the relationship of a place where humans live to its surrounding geographic features.

the distance north or south of the equation

the relationship of a place where humans live to its surrounding geographic features.

To determine the absolute location of Mt. Everest you would need to know(1 point)


its latitude and longitude.
its latitude and longitude.

a city it is near.
a city it is near.

the height of the mountain.
the height of the mountain.

its distance from the nearest body of water.

its latitude and longitude.

The option that best distinguishes between human geography and physical geography is:

"Human geography is the study of spatial aspects of human activity, while physical geography is the study of spatial aspects of natural features and processes."

To understand why this option is the correct answer, let's break it down:

Human geography deals with the study of human activities, such as migration, urbanization, population distribution, and cultural phenomena. It focuses on understanding the patterns and processes that shape human societies and how humans interact with their environment. Spatial aspects refer to how the human activities occur and are distributed in space.

On the other hand, physical geography is concerned with the study of natural features and processes of the Earth's surface, including landforms, climate, vegetation, and natural hazards. It examines the physical aspects of our planet and how they affect the environment and living organisms.

By comparing these definitions, we can see that the option accurately describes the main difference between human geography and physical geography. Human geography focuses on human activities, while physical geography focuses on natural features and processes.