What is the main idea of the passage?

A car battery that is low on water will not deliver enough current to start your car. The average life expectancy of a vehicle battery is three to four years. Being low on water also shortens the life of the battery. The water level should be checked regularly—more often in the summer than in the winter. Always check the water in your battery before a long trip. When the battery is low, always fill it with distilled water, which is water without impurities such as salt. Tap water contains salts that will corrode the battery. You should also be careful not to overfill the battery. When the water mixes with the acid in the battery, it can damage your clothing or other parts of your car.

Water level is important to a car battery.

The water level should be checked regularly.

To fill your battery, use distilled water instead of tap water.

Do not overfill your battery.

The main idea of the passage is to emphasize the importance of regularly checking the water level in a car battery, using distilled water to fill it, and avoiding overfilling it.

The main idea of the passage is: The importance of regularly checking and maintaining the water level in a car battery.