What other way can −4 be represented as a rational number?(1 point)


Start Fraction negative square root of 12 over 3 End Fraction

Start Fraction negative 24 over 6 End Fraction

Start Fraction square root of 144 over 3 End Fraction


There are no other ways to represent -4 as a rational number.

Which answer is it

The right answer is -24/6

None of the options provided represent -4 as a rational number. A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction, where both the numerator and denominator are integers. A rational number cannot have a radical (square root) in either the numerator or the denominator. Therefore, -4 can only be represented as -4 in terms of a rational number.

To determine which of the given options represents −4 as a rational number, we need to know what a rational number is. A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction, where the numerator and denominator are both integers (whole numbers).

Let's go through each option and see if it can be expressed as a rational number:

1. −12√3: This is not a rational number because it includes the square root (√3).

2. Start Fraction negative square root of 12 over 3 End Fraction: This is not a rational number because it also includes the square root (√12).

3. −246: This is a rational number because it can be expressed as -246/1, where both the numerator and denominator are integers.

4. Start Fraction negative 24 over 6 End Fraction: This is a rational number because it simplifies to -4, where both the numerator (-24) and denominator (6) are integers.

5. 144√3: This is not a rational number because it includes the square root (√3).

6. 14: This is not a rational number because it does not have a denominator.

Therefore, the other way that −4 can be represented as a rational number is -246, and the correct option is −246.

The correct answer is:
