Read the following passage from the Tao Te Ching:

“Nothing in the world is softer and weaker than water.

Yet, in attacking the hard and strong, nothing can surpass it.

Because nothing can exchange places with it, Use weakness to overcome strength.

Use softness to overcome hardness.

None in the world do not know this.

But none can practice it.”

Which is an accurate analysis of the teachings of Daoism based on this passage?

(1 point)

Most people do not know that weakness can overcome strength.

More can be accomplished by yielding to stronger forces than pushing back on them.

It is common for people to yield to stronger forces.

Weaker forces usually are defeated by stronger ones.

The accurate analysis of the teachings of Daoism based on this passage would be:

More can be accomplished by yielding to stronger forces than pushing back on them.

The accurate analysis of the teachings of Daoism based on this passage is:

More can be accomplished by yielding to stronger forces than pushing back on them.