Witch of the following was one way the constitution attempted to reconcile a weakness of the Articles of confederation

One way the Constitution attempted to reconcile a weakness of the Articles of Confederation was by creating a stronger central government with more power. Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government had very limited power and was unable to effectively govern the nation. The Constitution aimed to address this weakness by establishing a stronger executive branch, a bicameral legislature, and a judiciary, which collectively granted more authority to the central government. This helped to ensure a more efficient and effective governance structure.

One way the Constitution attempted to reconcile a weakness of the Articles of Confederation was by creating a stronger central government with more power. The Articles of Confederation established a weak national government with limited authority, which led to problems such as the inability to raise taxes, regulate trade, or enforce laws effectively. To address this weakness, the Constitution created a system of government with a stronger executive branch, the ability to levy taxes, regulate interstate commerce, and enforce federal laws. This shift towards a stronger central government provided a better framework for the functioning of the nation and helped address the limitations of the Articles of Confederation.