does the square root of 15/25 have an infinite or finite decimal expansion

The square root of 15/25 does not have an infinite decimal expansion.

To find the square root of 15/25, we simplify the fraction first:
√(15/25) = √(3/5)

Since the square root of 3/5 is an irrational number, the decimal expansion will continue indefinitely without repeating. Thus, the square root of 15/25 has an infinite decimal expansion.

Dos the square root pf 5/16 have an infinite or finite decimal expansion

The square root of 5/16 has an infinite decimal expansion.

To find the square root of 5/16, we simplify the fraction first:

Taking the square root of 5 and 16 individually, we get:
√5 / √16

√5 is an irrational number, so its decimal expansion is infinite.

The square root of 16 is 4, which has a finite decimal expansion.

Therefore, the square root of 5/16 is the irrational number (√5)/4, which has an infinite decimal expansion.

To determine if the square root of 15/25 has an infinite or finite decimal expansion, let's calculate the square root.

First, simplify the fraction 15/25 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5. This gives us 3/5.

Now, let's calculate the square root of 3/5. Taking the square root of a fraction means taking the square root of the numerator and the square root of the denominator separately.

The square root of 3 is an irrational number and cannot be expressed as a finite decimal. Therefore, when we calculate the square root of 3/5, the decimal expansion will be infinite rather than finite.