Which of the following is evidence that natural resources play a role in economies of Africa

Call centers in Kenya
Ethiopia’s coffee production

The production of coffee in Ethiopia is evidence that natural resources play a role in the economy of Africa. Coffee is a natural resource that is grown and exported by the country, contributing significantly to its economy. This includes employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, and overall economic growth.

Both call centers in Kenya and Ethiopia's coffee production are evidence that natural resources play a role in economies of Africa.

1. Call centers in Kenya: Kenya has become a hub for call center operations, especially in the information technology (IT) sector. This is due to several factors, one of which is the availability of a skilled English-speaking workforce. The English language skills of Kenyan workers are considered an important resource that attracts international companies to set up call centers in the country.

2. Ethiopia's coffee production: Ethiopia is known for its high-quality coffee production. Coffee is one of Ethiopia's major exports and contributes significantly to the country's economy. The cultivation, processing, and export of coffee rely on the natural resources, such as fertile soil and favorable climate conditions, which contribute to the productivity and success of the coffee industry in Ethiopia.

Both examples show how natural resources are utilized to drive economic activities and play a role in the economies of Africa.