A nurse is taking Sofia’s pulse. What will this measurement MOST likely demonstrate?

(1 point)

This will indicate how many breaths Sofia takes in one minute.

This will indicate how many breaths Sofia takes in one minute.

This will show the condition of Sofia’s digestive system.

This will show the condition of Sofia’s digestive system.

This will show how flexible Sofia’s body is.

This will show how flexible Sofia’s body is.

This will indicate how hard Sofia’s heart is working.

For 10 seconds Ariana places her finger on her radial artery and counts her heartbeats. In 10 seconds, she counts 15 beats. What is Ariana’s current heart rate based on this measurement?

(1 point)








Ariana’s current heart rate based on this measurement is 90.

Karolina’s coach tells her to focus on adding some anaerobic exercises to her training routine. Which activity should she add to her routine to MOST accurately achieve this goal?

(1 point)





playing basketball

playing basketball



Nathaniel wants to measure his own pulse. What is the MOST accurate way for him to perform this measurement?

(1 point)

He should feel for his carotid artery on the side of his neck.

He should feel for his carotid artery on the side of his neck.

He should place his thumb on his radial artery.

He should place his thumb on his radial artery.

He should place his wrist on the inside of his opposite elbow.

He should place his wrist on the inside of his opposite elbow.

He should feel for his heart in his chest with the palm of his hand.

He should feel for his heart in his chest with the palm of his hand.

He should feel for his radial artery on his wrist.

Joachim’s trainer tells him he needs to focus on more aerobic activities instead of anaerobic activities. Which activity should he add to his workout routine to MOST effectively make this happen?

(1 point)

swimming laps

swimming laps

lifting weights

lifting weights



doing yoga

doing yoga

Joachim should add swimming laps to his workout routine to most effectively engage in aerobic activities.

Enzo is trying to increase his cardiovascular endurance. What is the BEST indicator for him to use to see if he is achieving this goal?

(1 point)

He needs to see how much he can lift.

He needs to see how much he can lift.

He needs to measure his weight.

He needs to measure his weight.

He needs to test his heart rate.

He needs to test his heart rate.

He needs to see how far he can bend.

Enzo needs to test his heart rate to see if he is achieving his goal of increasing cardiovascular endurance.