Which of the following is a responsibility of U. S. Citizens?

All of the following are responsibilities of U.S. citizens:

1. Voting: Citizens have a responsibility to participate in elections and vote for their elected representatives at the local, state, and national levels.

2. Jury duty: Citizens may be called to serve in jury duty and must fulfill this obligation to participate in the justice system.

3. Paying taxes: Citizens are required to pay their taxes to support government operations and public services.

4. Following laws: Citizens must adhere to federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

5. Defending the nation: Citizens may be called to serve in the military and protect the nation's interests.

6. Participating in community activities: Citizens are encouraged to engage in volunteering, community service, and civic activities that contribute positively to their community.

7. Respecting the rights and freedoms of others: Citizens should respect and uphold the rights and freedoms of their fellow citizens, promoting a tolerant and inclusive society.

It is worth noting that citizenship responsibilities can vary by country, so these specific responsibilities apply to U.S. citizens.

One of the responsibilities of U.S. citizens is to vote in elections.