A painter earns $15 per hour. What is the minimum number of hours he must work to earn at least $200?

To find the minimum number of hours the painter must work to earn at least $200, we need to divide the total earnings by the hourly rate.

$200 / $15 per hour = 13.333 hours

Since you cannot work part of an hour, the minimum number of hours the painter must work is 14 hours to earn at least $200.

To determine the minimum number of hours the painter must work to earn at least $200, we can set up an equation.

Let's represent the number of hours the painter must work as 'x'.

The amount of money the painter earns for 'x' hours of work can be calculated by multiplying the hourly rate of $15 by the number of hours worked, which is 15x.

According to the problem, the amount the painter earns must be at least $200. So, we can create the following inequality:

15x ≥ 200

To find the minimum number of hours the painter must work, we need to solve for 'x'.

To do this, we can divide both sides of the inequality by 15:

x ≥ 200/15

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

x ≥ 13.33

Since the number of hours must be a whole number, we round up to the nearest whole number to find the minimum number of hours the painter must work:

x ≥ 14

Therefore, the minimum number of hours the painter must work to earn at least $200 is 14 hours.