The numerator of a fraction is 5 less than its denominator if one is added to the numerator and to the denominator new fraction is 2 upon 3 find the fraction

Let's assume the denominator of the fraction is x.

According to the given information, the numerator of the fraction is 5 less than its denominator.

So, the numerator = x - 5.

Now, if one is added to the numerator and the denominator, the new fraction is 2/3.

This can be represented as:

(x - 5 + 1)/(x + 1) = 2/3

Simplifying this equation:

(x - 4)/(x + 1) = 2/3

Cross multiplying:

3(x - 4) = 2(x + 1)

3x - 12 = 2x + 2

3x - 2x = 2 + 12

x = 14

Therefore, the denominator of the fraction is 14, and the numerator is 14 - 5 = 9.

So, the fraction is 9/14.

Let's assume the denominator of the fraction is "x".

According to the given information, the numerator is 5 less than the denominator, so the numerator can be expressed as (x - 5).

Now, if one is added to both the numerator and the denominator, we get (x - 5 + 1) / (x + 1).

The new fraction is given as 2/3, so we have the equation:

(x - 4) / (x + 1) = 2/3

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply:

3(x - 4) = 2(x + 1)

Expanding both sides:

3x - 12 = 2x + 2


3x - 2x = 2 + 12

x = 14

Therefore, the denominator is 14.

And the numerator, as given before, is (x - 5) which is (14 - 5 = 9).

Hence, the fraction is 9/14.