Describe the relationship between rational numbers and whole numbers. Are all rational numbers also whole numbers? Are all whole numbers also rational numbers? Give examples to support your answer. bot answer

No, not all rational numbers are whole numbers. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero. Whole numbers, on the other hand, are non-negative integers (including zero).

An example of a rational number that is not a whole number is 3/2. It can be expressed as a fraction, but it is not a whole number because it is not an integer.

On the other hand, all whole numbers are also rational numbers. This is because any whole number n can be expressed as n/1, which is in the form of a fraction where both the numerator and denominator are integers.

For example, 5 is a whole number and it can also be expressed as 5/1, making it a rational number as well. Similarly, 0 is a whole number and it can be expressed as 0/1, making it a rational number too.

The relationship between rational numbers and whole numbers is that all whole numbers are also rational numbers. However, not all rational numbers are whole numbers.

A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction, where the numerator and denominator are both integers. Whole numbers, on the other hand, are non-negative integers starting from zero.

Since whole numbers can be expressed as fractions with a denominator of 1, they can also be expressed as rational numbers. For example, 0 is a whole number and can be written as 0/1, making it also a rational number.

However, not all rational numbers are whole numbers. For example, consider the fraction 3/2. This is a rational number because both the numerator (3) and denominator (2) are integers. However, it is not a whole number because it is not an integer.

In summary, all whole numbers are rational numbers because they can be expressed as fractions. However, not all rational numbers are whole numbers because they can have a fractional part.