Use this worksheet as a guide to complete your portfolio for this assignment. You do not need to include a list of surveys from the Pew Research Center link provided in the lesson—those are just examples of the type of information journalists can gather when using surveys, and those examples can help you come up with your own story idea for the next part:

A. Surveys
Select a story idea and set up a survey using these three steps:
 Identify the objective or purpose of the survey.
 Write an introduction to the survey that explains its purpose.
 Write closed questions that produce answers that are relevant to the purpose of the survey and that can be quantified or "counted" as data. Remember, closed questions can be answered in a word or two (yes/no).
 Analyze the response data properly (what does the survey tell us?)
In other words, state the purpose of your survey, provide a brief introduction to the people who will be taking it, and then provide at least five closed questions that would produce yes/no or short answers.
Topic and purpose of survey:
Introduction for survey respondents:
Survey questions (1-5)

B. Interviews
Take the 5 survey questions you created in part A and turn them into open-ended “interview” questions.

Topic and purpose of survey: The impact of social media on mental health

Introduction for survey respondents: Hello, we are conducting a survey to understand the impact of social media on mental health. Your responses will help us gain insights into this topic and identify any potential issues or benefits. This survey is anonymous and should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation.

Survey questions (1-5):
1. Do you feel that your mental health has been negatively affected by using social media? (Yes/No)
2. Have you ever compared yourself unfavorably to others on social media? (Yes/No)
3. Do you often feel anxious or stressed when using social media? (Yes/No)
4. Have you experienced feelings of loneliness or isolation due to your social media usage? (Yes/No)
5. Do you feel more self-conscious about your appearance or body image when using social media? (Yes/No)

Interview questions (1-5):
1. How has using social media affected your mental health?
2. Can you share any instances where you have compared yourself to others on social media and felt negatively about yourself?
3. Have you experienced any anxiety or stress related to your social media usage? If yes, can you provide some examples?
4. Have you ever felt lonely or isolated as a result of your social media activity? If so, can you elaborate?
5. In what ways has social media impacted your body image or self-esteem?

A. Surveys

Topic and purpose of survey:
The topic of the survey is "Attitudes towards online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic". The purpose of the survey is to gather data on people's attitudes and experiences with online learning during the pandemic.

Introduction for survey respondents:
Dear survey participant,

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The survey aims to understand your attitudes and experiences with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your responses will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and challenges of online learning. Please answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your abilities. Your responses will remain anonymous.

Survey questions (1-5):
1. Have you participated in any form of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic? (Yes/No)
2. How satisfied are you with the quality of online learning you have experienced during the pandemic? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied)
3. What aspects of online learning do you find most challenging? (Open-ended)
4. Have you faced any technical difficulties while engaging in online learning? (Yes/No)
5. Do you believe online learning can be as effective as in-person learning? (Yes/No)

B. Interviews

1. Can you share your experience with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic?
2. How do you feel about the quality of online learning compared to in-person learning?
3. What specific challenges have you encountered while participating in online learning?
4. Have you faced any technical issues or difficulties while engaging in online learning? If so, can you provide examples?
5. In your opinion, how effective is online learning compared to traditional in-person learning? Can you provide any specific reasons or examples to support your answer?