9 over 4 is close to the square root of what integer?(1 point)

The square root of what integer is closest to 9 over 4? This can be expressed as:

9/4 ≈ √(9/4)

To simplify this further, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator of 9/4 by 4:

(9/4) / (4/4) ≈ √(9/16)

Now, we can take the square root of 9/16:

√(9/16) = √9 / √16 = 3/4

So, the square root of the integer closest to 9 over 4 is 3/4.

To find the square root of an integer that is close to 9/4, we can start by finding the square root of 9/4 itself.

The square root of 9/4 can be simplified as follows:

√(9/4) = √9 / √4 = 3/2

So 9/4 is close to the square root of (3/2)^2.

(3/2)^2 = (3/2) x (3/2) = 9/4

Therefore, the square root of 9/4 is close to the integer 3.