What is the total number of beats for the following rhythm?

An image shows an unsolved arithmetic problem that adds together different kinds of musical notation.The following musical symbols are added together:
• a quarter note
• two eighth rests
• a half note
• a half rest
• a quarter rest
(1 point)





The total number of beats for the given rhythm is 5.

To find the total number of beats for the given rhythm, we need to add up the beats represented by each musical symbol:

- A quarter note has 1 beat.
- Two eighth rests have a total of 1 beat (each eighth rest represents half a beat, so two of them would equal 1 beat).
- A half note has 2 beats.
- A half rest indicates a rest for 2 beats.
- A quarter rest indicates a rest for 1 beat.

Let's calculate the total number of beats:

1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7 beats

Therefore, the correct answer is 7.