How is plastic made?(1 point)


Coal and natural gas are broken down from long chains into the smaller compounds we call plastic.
Coal and natural gas are broken down from long chains into the smaller compounds we call plastic.

Oil and natural gas are broken down from long chains into the smaller compounds we call plastic.
Oil and natural gas are broken down from long chains into the smaller compounds we call plastic.

Oil and natural gas are chemically broken down into small compounds that combine to form plastic.
Oil and natural gas are chemically broken down into small compounds that combine to form plastic.

Coal and natural gas are chemically broken down into small compounds that combine to form plastic.

Coal and natural gas are broken down from long chains into the smaller compounds we call plastic.


Coal and natural gas are broken down into smaller compounds to create plastic because they contain hydrocarbon molecules. These hydrocarbons can undergo a process called polymerization, in which the small molecules are chemically bonded together to form long chains of repeating units. These long chains of molecules give plastic its unique properties, such as durability and flexibility.

Oil and natural gas are chemically broken down into small compounds that combine to form plastic.