The temperature on Monday is −4°C. On Tuesday, it is 13° colder. What is the temperature on Tuesday?(1 point)


negative 17 degrees upper C

17 degrees upper C

9 degrees upper C



Ping dove off a 10 meter platform. He reached a depth of 6 meters in the water. What was the change in height?(1 point)


60 meters
60 meters

64 meters
64 meters

16 meters
16 meters

4 meters

To find the temperature on Tuesday, we need to subtract 13 from the temperature on Monday. The temperature on Monday is -4°C, so -4°C - 13°C = -17°C. Therefore, the temperature on Tuesday is -17°C.

To find the temperature on Tuesday, we need to subtract 13 from the temperature on Monday.

The temperature on Monday is −4°C.
So, we subtract 13 from −4°C: −4°C - 13 = −17°C.

Therefore, the temperature on Tuesday is −17°C.