which real-world problem is most likely to involve irrational numbers?

a. finding the width of a rectangle based on the area and the length
b. finding the side length of a square based on the area
c. finding the total cost of filling up a car’s tank based on the price per gallon
d. finding the diameter of a circle based on the radius

The correct answer is option d. Finding the diameter of a circle based on the radius is most likely to involve irrational numbers. This is because the relationship between the radius and the diameter of a circle is given by the formula d = 2r, where "d" represents the diameter and "r" represents the radius. Since the value of pi (approximately 3.14159) is required to calculate the circumference and diameter of a circle, which is an irrational number, the resulting diameter may also be irrational.

d. finding the diameter of a circle based on the radius