Identify a technology that allowed ships to sail into the wind.(1 point)


lateen sail
lateen sail


magnetic compass
magnetic compass

square rigging

Which European explorer was the first to use new technologies, such as the caravel and astrolabe, to sail around Africa to Asia?(1 point)


Bartolomeu Dias
Bartolomeu Dias

Amerigo Vespucci
Amerigo Vespucci

Prince Henry
Prince Henry

Christopher Columbus

Bartolomeu Dias

How did Galileo investigate and prove the model of heliocentrism correct?(1 point)


He improved on the sextant and quadrant to determine the movements of planets.
He improved on the sextant and quadrant to determine the movements of planets.

He only used mathematical calculations to prove the model of heliocentrism correct.
He only used mathematical calculations to prove the model of heliocentrism correct.

He used biblical teachings to prove the model of heliocentrism correct.
He used biblical teachings to prove the model of heliocentrism correct.

He used the telescope to make observations about the solar system.

He used the telescope to make observations about the solar system.

Which explanation of Portugal’s ability to become Europe’s first maritime empire is most accurate?(1 point)


A wealthy Portuguese prince brought together a team of experts to develop technology that allowed Portugal to expand overseas.
A wealthy Portuguese prince brought together a team of experts to develop technology that allowed Portugal to expand overseas.

Because Portugal is located in the West of Europe, it did not interact with Islamic Caliphates as much as other powers in Europe.
Because Portugal is located in the West of Europe, it did not interact with Islamic Caliphates as much as other powers in Europe.

Portugal was the most wealthy power in Europe.
Portugal was the most wealthy power in Europe.

The monarchs of Portugal funded exploration onto land-based trade routes.
The monarchs of Portugal funded exploration onto land-based trade routes.

A wealthy Portuguese prince brought together a team of experts to develop technology that allowed Portugal to expand overseas.

Use the excerpt to answer the question.

“The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race.”

—Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798

Which of these statements best summarizes Malthus’s ideas on the relationship between population growth and agricultural production?

(1 point)

Population growth would eventually outpace agricultural production and lead to famine and starvation.
Population growth would eventually outpace agricultural production and lead to famine and starvation.

Population growth would lead to the development of permanent, complex world societies.
Population growth would lead to the development of permanent, complex world societies.

Population growth, paired with improvements in farming, would most benefit underprivileged social classes.
Population growth, paired with improvements in farming, would most benefit underprivileged social classes.

Population growth could be controlled if new developments in agricultural production were used to fight hunger.

Population growth would eventually outpace agricultural production and lead to famine and starvation.

The technology that allowed ships to sail into the wind is the lateen sail. To identify this answer, you can eliminate the other options through a process of elimination.

First, consider the astrolabe. The astrolabe was an ancient tool used to measure the altitude and position of celestial bodies, mainly for navigational purposes. While it was useful for determining latitude, it did not directly contribute to a ship's ability to sail into the wind.

Next, consider the magnetic compass. The magnetic compass consists of a magnetized needle that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field, providing a reliable reference point for navigation. While the magnetic compass was a crucial tool for determining direction, it did not directly affect a ship's ability to sail into the wind.

Lastly, consider square rigging. Square rigging refers to a type of sail arrangement where the sails are set at right angles to the ship's keel. While this sail configuration was effective in harnessing wind power, it allowed ships to sail most efficiently with the wind at their back, rather than directly against it.

Therefore, through the process of elimination, we can determine that the technology allowing ships to sail into the wind is the lateen sail.

square rigging