Indicate which methods, activities, sources and educational media will be used. N.B Should support the objectives of the lesson when teaching grade R about addition and subtraction. Teachers

is (including classroom management aspects) Learner’s activities (including the content that supports the lessons objectives)


1. Direct Instruction: The teacher will provide explicit instruction on addition and subtraction concepts, rules, and strategies.

2. Cooperative Learning: The teacher will promote peer interaction and collaboration through activities that require students to work together to solve addition and subtraction problems.

3. Hands-on Manipulatives: The teacher will use concrete manipulatives like counters, blocks, or number sticks to demonstrate addition and subtraction visually and kinesthetically.

1. Number Line Game: The teacher will draw a number line on the floor or a large sheet of paper and place addition and subtraction problems along the line. Students will take turns stepping along the number line to solve the problems.

2. Missing Number Puzzles: The teacher will give students a set of number puzzles where they have to find the missing number in a series of addition or subtraction calculations. This activity will enhance students' problem-solving skills.

3. Word Problem Practice: The teacher will present real-life word problems involving addition and subtraction to help students understand how to apply their knowledge in practical situations.

1. Textbooks: The teacher will use grade-appropriate textbooks that provide explanations, examples, and practice exercises for addition and subtraction.

2. Worksheets: The teacher will distribute worksheets with additional practice problems for students to work on individually or in small groups.

3. Online Resources: The teacher may utilize educational websites or apps that provide interactive games, tutorials, and practice activities related to addition and subtraction.

Educational Media:
1. Interactive Whiteboard: The teacher can use an interactive whiteboard to display visual representations, animation, or online interactive activities related to addition and subtraction.

2. Educational Videos: The teacher may show short videos that introduce addition and subtraction concepts or demonstrate strategies or problem-solving techniques.

3. Educational Apps: The teacher can incorporate educational apps on tablets or computers that offer interactive games or exercises to reinforce addition and subtraction skills.

N.B. These methods, activities, sources, and educational media should be selected and utilized in a way that supports the objectives of the lesson on addition and subtraction for grade R students. Classroom management aspects should involve clear instructions, expectations, and student engagement strategies to create a positive and productive learning environment. Learner's activities should encourage active participation, problem-solving, and application of addition and subtraction concepts.


1. Whole group instruction: The teacher will present the concept of addition and subtraction to the entire class, using visual aids and demonstrations.
2. Small group work: Students will work in small groups to practice addition and subtraction through hands-on activities and manipulatives.
3. Individual seatwork: Students will complete worksheets or other written exercises to reinforce their understanding of addition and subtraction.

1. Counting objects: Students will count objects such as toys, blocks, or pictures, and practice adding or subtracting them.
2. Number line: Students will use a number line to visually understand addition and subtraction, by moving forward or backward along the line.
3. Number bonds: Students will learn to break numbers into parts and understand the concept of addition and subtraction with number bonds.
4. Games: Various math games will be used to make learning addition and subtraction fun and engaging, such as dice games or card games.

1. Textbooks: Teachers will use grade-appropriate textbooks that cover addition and subtraction concepts.
2. Worksheets: Teachers will provide worksheets or workbooks with exercises for students to practice addition and subtraction.
3. Manipulatives: Physical objects like counters, cubes, or even simple household items like buttons or beans, will be used to help students visualize addition and subtraction.

Educational Media:
1. Interactive whiteboard: Teachers can use interactive whiteboards to display visual aids, interactive activities, and online resources related to addition and subtraction.
2. Educational apps: There are numerous educational apps available that provide interactive games and exercises to reinforce addition and subtraction skills.
3. Videos and animations: Teachers can show videos or animations that visually explain addition and subtraction concepts to enhance students' understanding.

Classroom management aspects:
Teachers will ensure the following aspects for effective classroom management:
- Clear instructions and expectations for student behavior during lessons.
- Adequate student engagement through active participation.
- Effective use of classroom materials and resources.
- Monitoring student progress and providing timely feedback.
- Grouping students according to their learning needs and abilities for small group work.
- Establishing and maintaining a positive and inclusive classroom environment.