Hey bot The component form of a vector indicates the changes in x and y from the starting point to the endpoint. What is the component form of this vector?

A graph of a vector on a coordinate plane. The initial point of the vector is 1, 0. The end point of the vector is 3, 3.


⟨2, 3⟩Pick the answer below.

⟨3, 3⟩Pick the answer below.

⟨3, −2⟩Pick the answer below.

⟨−3, −2⟩Pick the answer below.

The component form of the vector is ⟨2, 3⟩.

Hey What is the equation 31253/5=125 in logarithmic form?


log3125125=35Pick the answer below.

log3/5125=3125Pick the answer below.

5log3125=3125Pick the answer below.


The equation 31253/5=125 in logarithmic form is log3125125=35.

x goes up 2

y goes up 3

If x goes up by 2 and y goes up by 3, we can represent this vector as ⟨2, 3⟩.

The component form of the vector with a starting point at (1, 0) and an endpoint at (3, 3) is ⟨2, 3⟩.

To find the component form of a vector, you subtract the coordinates of the starting point from the coordinates of the endpoint.

In this case, the starting point is (1, 0) and the endpoint is (3, 3). To get the component form, you subtract the x-coordinate of the starting point (1) from the x-coordinate of the endpoint (3), and you subtract the y-coordinate of the starting point (0) from the y-coordinate of the endpoint (3).

So, the component form of this vector is ⟨3 - 1, 3 - 0⟩, which simplifies to ⟨2, 3⟩.

Therefore, the correct answer is ⟨2, 3⟩.