Use the map to answer the question.

The Mound Builders primarily lived in what regions? Select all that apply.
(1 point)

Region A
Region A

Region B
Region B

Region C
Region C

Region D
Region D

Region E
Region E
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Without having access to the map, it is not possible to determine which regions the Mound Builders primarily lived in.

where did the mound builders live?

The Mound Builders lived in various regions across North America, particularly in the present-day areas of the Ohio River Valley, Mississippi River Valley, and the southeastern United States. Some of the specific regions where the Mound Builders built their mounds include the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys, the Great Lakes region, and the Gulf Coast.

To answer the question, we need to examine the map and identify the regions where the Mound Builders primarily lived. Unfortunately, the map was not provided in the question. Could you please provide the map or further information so that I can assist you better?

To answer this question using the map, you need to look at the areas where the Mound Builders primarily lived. Identify the regions on the map and select all that apply.

Unfortunately, since the map is not provided, I am unable to directly answer the question based on the map. Please make sure you have the necessary map or provide additional information so I can assist you better.