A guest of a hotel went down 3 floors in the elevator. How many floors did the room attendant go down?

The room attendant did not go down any floors. The guest went down 3 floors in the elevator, but the room attendant remained in the hotel and did not accompany the guest in the elevator.


its not a riddle its a math equation

To determine how many floors the room attendant went down, we'll need to know the starting floor of the elevator and the floor of the guest's room. Could you please provide that information?

To determine how many floors the room attendant went down, we need to know the starting floor of the guest and the room attendant. Additionally, we need to know if the guest and the attendant were on the same floor at the beginning.

Let's consider three scenarios:

Scenario 1: The guest and the room attendant were on the same floor at the beginning.
In this case, if the guest went down 3 floors in the elevator, the room attendant would also go down 3 floors in the elevator.

Scenario 2: The room attendant was already on a lower floor than the guest.
If the guest went down 3 floors in the elevator but the room attendant was on a lower floor to begin with, the room attendant would not go down any floors since they were already below the guest's starting floor.

Scenario 3: The room attendant was already on a higher floor than the guest.
If the guest went down 3 floors in the elevator but the room attendant was on a floor higher than the guest's starting floor, the room attendant would go down fewer floors than the guest. The number of floors the room attendant would go down would be the difference between the guest's starting floor and the floor where the room attendant was located.

Therefore, without more specific information about the starting floors of both the guest and the room attendant, we cannot determine exactly how many floors the room attendant went down.