How do you write 14 programming errors for every 56 programmers as a rational number? Select the rational number that represents this scenario.

A. 4

B. 56

C. 14

D. 14/56

The rational number that represents this scenario is D. 14/56.

The following numbers are shown on a number line which number is located farthest to the right?

A. 0.8

B. -1 1/2

C. -1/4

D. 2

E. -1.99

D. 2 is located farthest to the right on the number line.

The following numbers are shown on the number line with letter labels: 0.8, -1½, - ¼, 2, - 1.99. Which of the numbers is located at point D?

Based on the given information, the number located at point D is - ½.

The following numbers are shown on the number line with letter labels: 0.8, -1½, - ¼, 2, - 1.99. Which of the numbers is located at point D?

A. 0.8

B. -1½

C. - ¼

D. 2

E. -1.99

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. Based on the given information, the number located at point D is 2 (Option D).