-3 - 5^2/7

show your work using pemdas

To solve the expression -3 - 5^2/7 using PEMDAS, we start by evaluating the exponent.

Step 1: Exponent
5^2 equals 5 * 5 which is 25.

Now, we substitute the value of the exponent into the expression:

-3 - 25/7

Step 2: Division
25 divided by 7 equals 3 remainder 4, which can be written as 25/7 = 3 and 4/7.

Now, we substitute the division result into the expression:

-3 - 3 and 4/7

Step 3: Subtraction
-3 minus 3 is -6. Then, we subtract 4/7.

Now, the expression becomes:

-6 - 4/7

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator. The common denominator here is 7.

Step 4: Subtraction of Fractions
The expression -6 as a fraction with the denominator 7 is -6/1 * 7/7 = -42/7.

Now, we have:

-42/7 - 4/7

Subtracting the fractions, we get:


Thus, the simplified expression -3 - 5^2/7 equals -46/7 or can be written as -6 and 4/7.

To simplify the expression -3 - 5^2/7 using the order of operations (PEMDAS), follow these steps:

Step 1: Evaluate Exponents (Powers)
5^2 = 25

Step 2: Divide
25/7 = 3.57 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 3: Multiply
-3 * 3.57 = -10.71 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 4: Subtract
-3 - 10.71 = -13.71 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, -3 - 5^2/7 simplifies to approximately -13.71.