What is 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10

To solve the expression 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10, we first need to convert the mixed number 17 4/9 into an improper fraction.

To convert 17 4/9 into an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (17) by the denominator (9), and then add the numerator (4). The result becomes the new numerator, and the denominator remains the same.

17 * 9 = 153
153 + 4 = 157

So, 17 4/9 as an improper fraction is 157/9.

Now we can rewrite the expression as:

157/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10

Next, we need to find a common denominator to combine the fractions. In this case, the common denominator is 9.

157/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10

Since the denominators are the same, we can add the numerators:

(157 + 5)/9 - 8 - 10

162/9 - 8 - 10

Now we can subtract the fractions:

162/9 - 8 - 10

To subtract fractions with the same denominator, we subtract the numerators and keep the denominator:

(162 - 8)/9 - 10

154/9 - 10

Now we can convert 10 into a fraction with a denominator of 9:

154/9 - 90/9

To subtract fractions with the same denominator, we subtract the numerators and keep the denominator:

(154 - 90)/9


Therefore, 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10 is equal to 64/9.

To solve the expression 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10 step-by-step, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the whole numbers: 17 + (-8) + (-10) = -1
Step 2: Convert any mixed fractions to improper fractions: 4/9 + 5/9 = 9/9
Step 3: Simplify the fractions: 9/9 = 1
Step 4: Add the whole number's result to the fraction's result: -1 + 1 = 0

Therefore, 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10 equals 0.