Why is it important for readers to check for evidence in a text?(1 point)


to prove that the author is wrong
to prove that the author is wrong

to determine if the information is believable
to determine if the information is believable

to learn about the writing process
to learn about the writing process

to set a purpose for reading

to determine if the information is believable

took the test

to set a purpose for reading

To set a purpose for reading

Explanation: When readers check for evidence in a text, it helps them establish a purpose for reading. By looking for evidence, readers can determine the reliability and credibility of the information presented in the text. This process allows readers to determine whether the information is believable or not. Checking for evidence also enables readers to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the author's claims and arguments. By critically examining the evidence, readers can form their own opinions and make informed judgments about the text's content. Ultimately, checking for evidence empowers readers to engage with the text more deeply and actively, allowing for a more meaningful and thoughtful reading experience.

to set a purpose for reading