What are the two main reasons for seasons on Earth?

(1 point)

The tilt of Earth's axis and the temperature
The tilt of Earth's axis and the temperature

The tilt of Earth's axis and the revolution around the sun

The tilt of Earth's axis and the revolution around the sun.

The two main reasons for seasons on Earth are:

1. The tilt of Earth's axis: Earth has a tilt of approximately 23.5 degrees. This means that as Earth orbits around the sun, different parts of the planet receive different amounts of sunlight throughout the year. When a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, it experiences summer because the sunlight is more direct and concentrated. When it is tilted away from the sun, it experiences winter because the sunlight is spread out and less direct.

2. The revolution around the sun: Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to orbit around the sun in an elliptical path. This orbit causes Earth to be closer to the sun during one part of the year, called perihelion, and farther away during another part of the year, called aphelion. However, the distance between Earth and the sun does not have as significant an impact on the seasons as the tilt of the axis.